Eğitim :
1979 Bornova Anadolu Lisesi
1987 Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
1994 Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Genetik Doktorası
Görev Yerleri :
1987-1990 Sivas Numune Hastanesi Acil Polikliniği, Pratisyen hekim
1990-1996 Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Araştırma görevlisi
1996- 2016 Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Öğretim Üyesi
Uluslararası Kurs ve Çalışma Programları:
“Postgraduate Training Course in In vitro Fertilization Laboratory” Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, School of Continuing Medical Education, January - March 1994, Tel Aviv, Israel.
“Molecular Biologycal Techniques” Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, October 1 – November 30 2002, The Netherland.
”Epigenetics” 24-27 June 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
“Course in Integration of Cytogenetics, microarrays and massive sequencing in iomedical and clinical research” EGF (European Genetics Foundation) Courses, October 23-27, 2008, Bologna, Italy.
“Development of counselling skills for genetic counselling ‘Training the Trainers’” Vienna, October 5-7, 2009.
Uluslararası dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
1. Perçin F, Düzcan F, Kafalı G, Sezgin I, “A new syndrome with cardiac malformation,cleft lip-palate, microcephaly and digital anomalies?” Clin Genet, 48,264-267 (1995).
2. Gökalan Kara I, Düzcan F, Aktan E, “Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome with vaginal atresia” Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg, 36, 309-311 (2002).
3. Özden S, Düzcan F, Wollnik B, Çetin GO, Şahiner T, Bayramoğlu I, Yüksel Apak M, Bağcı H, “Progressive autosomal dominant optic atrophy and sensorineural hearing loss in a Turkish family” Ophthalmic Genetics, 23, 29-36 (2002).
4. Düzcan F. Atmaca M, Çetin GO, Bağcı H, “Cytogenetic studies in patients with reproductive failure” Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 82, 53-56 (2003).
5. Düzcan F, Zencir M, Özdemir F, Çetin GO, Bağcı H, Heutink P, Bonifati V, Şahiner T, “Familial influence on Parkinsonism in a rural area of Turkey (Kızılcabölük/Denizli): A community based case-control study.” Mov Dis 18, 799-803 (2003).
6. Düzcan F, Ergin H, Perçin EF, Tepeli E, Erkula G, “Femoral-facial syndrome with hemifacial microsomia and hypoglossia” Clin Dysmorphol, 13, 43-44 (2004).
7. Düzcan F, Aybek Z, Tepelı E, Caner V, Cetın GO, Aybek H, Bagcı H . Sex chromosome aneuploidy rates in the somatic cells of infertile men. The J Reprod Med , 51, 489-492 (2006).
8. Ergin H, Semerci CN, Bican M, Düzcan F, Yağcı AB, Erdoğan KM, Tufan AÇ. A case with proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD) and fibular A/Hypolasia (FA/H) associated with urogenital anomalies. Tur J Pediatr, 48, 380-382 (2006).
9. Chang BS, Düzcan F, Kim S, Cinbiş M, Aggarwal A, Apse KA, Ozdel O, Atmaca M, Zencir S, Bağcı H, Walsh CA. The role of RELN in lissencephaly and neuropsychiatric disease. Am J Med Genet Part B (Neuro Genet) 144B, 58-63 (2007).
10. Semerci CN, Satiroglu-Tufan NL, Turan S, Bereket A, Tuysuz B, Yilmaz E, Kayserili H, Karaman B, Semiz S, Duzcan F, Bagci H. Detection of Y chromosomal material in patients with a 45,X karyotype by PCR method. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2007 Mar;211(3):243-9.
11. Caner V, Sen Turk N, Duzcan F, Satiroglu Tufan NL, Kelten EC, Zencir S, Dodurga Y, Bagci H, Duzcan SE. No strong association between HER-2/neu protein overexpression and gene amplification in high-grade invasive urothelial carcinomas. Pathol Oncol Res 14(3):261-6. Epub Apr 16.2008.
12. Semiz S, Duzcan F, Candemir M, Caner V, Thiele S, Semiz E, Hiort O. Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type IA: A Clinical Case with a Maternally Inherited GNAS Gene Mutation. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 22, 107-8, 2009.
13. Sengul C, Efe M, Tepeli E, Cetin O, Duzcan F, Herken H. A case of Schizophrenia accompanying Velocardiofacial syndrome. Archives of Neuropsychiatry. 46: 27-9, 2009.
14. Sen Turk N, Ozsan N, Caner V, Karagenc N, Duzcan F, Duzcan E. Hekimgil M. Determination of apoptosis, proliferation status and O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase methylation profiles in different immunophenotypic profiles of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Turk J Hematol, 28: 15-26, 2011.
15. Duzcan F, Duzcan SE, Sen S, Yorukoglu K, Caner V, Sen Turk N, Cetin GO, Kelten C, Tuna B, Sarsık B, Tepeli E. Expression and amplification of Topoisomerase-2α in type 1 and type 2 papillary renal cell carcinomas and its correlation with HER2/neu amplification. Pathol Oncol Res. 2011 Sep;17(3):697-703.
16. Corduk N, Semiz S, Koltuksuz U, Semerci CN, Duzcan F, Duzcan E, Satiroglu-Tufan NL. Patient with 45,X karyotype and severe virilization occult Y sequences. Pediatr Int. 2012 Feb;54(1):140-4.
17. Tepeli E, Caner V, Büyükpınarbaşılı N, Çetin GO, Düzcan F, Elmas L, Bağcı G. Expression of ERCC1 and its clinicopathological correlations in non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Jan;39(1):335-41.
18. Ergin H, Ozdemir OM, Karaca A, Türk NS, Düzcan F, Ergin S, Kazancı E, Vergin C, Erbay A. “A newborn with congenital mixed phenotype acute leukemia after in vitro fertilization.” Pediatr Neonatol. 2013 Apr 29.
19. Shaaban S, Duzcan F, Yildirim C, Chan Wm, Andrews C, Akarsu N, Engle E. Expanding phenotypic spectrum of ECEL1-related congenital contracture syndromes. Clin Genet. 2014 Jun 85(6):562-7.
20. Küçüktaşçi K, Semiz S, Balci YI, Özsari T, Gürses D, Önem G, Saçar M, Düzcan F, Yüksel D, Semiz E.Fatal Pulmonary Embolism Due to Inherited Thrombophilia Factors in a Child With Wolfram Syndrome. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2016 Jul 1.
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiriler
1. Düzcan F, H Bağcı, A Polat, “Association of a rare fragile site 16q22 with Down syndrome in a patient and his mother” Second European Cytogenetics Conference, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 1999.
2. Düzcan F, M Zencir, T Şahiner, O Akalın, A Çeliker, GO Çetin “High prevalance of Parkinson’s disease in Kızılcabölük/Denizli, Turkey; familial influence and Na-sulphate compound as possible risk factors” European Human Genetics Conference, Amsterdam, 172-173, Nature Publishing Group, 2000.
3. Özden S, Düzcan F, T Şahiner, İ Bayramoğlu “Autosomal dominant progressive optic atrophy and hearing loss in three generations of a family.” European Human Genetics Conference, Amsterdam, 78-79, Nature Publishing Group, 2000.
4. Duzcan F, H Ergin, M Aytan, E Tepeli, Ö.Özdemir, S Basaran “Non-mosaic tetrasomy 9p in an infant with multiple congenital anomalies”, Fourth European Cytogenetics Conference, Bologna, Italy, Ann Genet, 235, Elsevier,Paris, 2003.
5. Gümüş D, Düzcan F, M Atmaca, İ Açıkbaş, H Bağcı “Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency in textile dye workers” Fourth European Cytogenetics Conference, Bologna, Italy, Ann Genet 274, Elsevier, Paris, 2003.
6. Bağcı H, M Atmaca, İ Açıkbaş, V Caner, Düzcan F. “Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency in lymphocyte culture of the cotton gin workers” Fourth European Cytogenetics Conference, Bologna, Italy, Ann Genet 270, Elsevier, Paris, 2003.
7. Yıldırım C, S Tatlıpınar, V Yaylalı, E Kıter, Düzcan F, S Özden. “Congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscles associated with musculoskeletal abnormalities” 29th Meeting of the European Strabismological Association, İzmir, Turkey, 95, 2004.
8. Duzcan F, C Yıldırım, NL Şatıroğlu Tufan, CN Semerci, H Bağcı, AN Akarsu “A new autosomal recessive form of congenital extraocular muscular fibrosis with associated malformations and exclusion analysis of ARIX gene” European Human Genetics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Eur J Hum Genet 111, Nature Publishing Group, 2005.
9. Caner V, N Şen, Düzcan F, NL Şatıroğlu Tufan, EC Kelten, S Zencir, H Bağcı, SE Düzcan. “Determination of HER2/neu status by immunohistochemistry and real time PCR in high grade invasive urothelial carcinoma” XXIII. World Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 26-30 May, Istanbul, Turkey, 279,2005
10. Duzcan F, BS Chang, M Cimbiş, OÖzdel, M Atmaca, S Zencir, S Kim, H Bağcı, CA Walsh “Association of homozygote pericentric inversion of chromosome 7 (inv(7) (p11.2q22)) with autosomal recessive lissencephaly and RELN mutation” 5th European Cytogenetics Conference, 4-7 June, Madrid, Spain, Chromosome Research, 28, Springer, 2005.
11. Caner V, Sen Turk N, Duzcan F, et al.No strong association between HER-2/neu protein overexpression and gene amplification in high-grade urothelial carcinomas Chromosome Research 15: 172-173 Suppl. 1 2007.
12. Bagci G, Duzcan F, Alatas E.Familial translocation (2;18) ascertained through recurrent spontaneous abortions. Chromosome Research 15: 92-92 Suppl. 1, 2007.
13. Semerci CN, Satiroglu-Tufan NL, Turan S, Bereket A, Tuysuz B, Yilmaz E, Kayserili H, Karaman B, Semiz S, Duzcan F, Bagci H. Detection of Y chromosomal material in patients with a 45,X karyotype by PCR method. Chromosome Research 15: 125-126 Suppl. 1 2007.
14. Cetin GO, Duzcan F, Tepeli E, Kirac FS. Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma syndrome in two sisters, European Human Genetics Conference, May 31-June 3, 2008, P01.340, European Journal of Human Genetics, 16, Suppl2, S113, 2008.
15. Ergin H, Ozdemir OMA, Karaca A, Turk NS, Duzcan F, Ergin S, Kazanci E, Vergin C, Erbay A. Bilineal congenital leukemia with skin involvement after in vitro fertilization. XXI European congress of Perinatal Medicine, 10-13 September 2008, Istanbul-Turkey, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 21, Suppl1, S158, 2008.
16. Duzcan F, Cetin OG, Kalkan T, Erdoğan KM, Semiz S. Denovo partial trisomy of the subtelomeric region of 1q on 1pter causing dysmorphic features. Chromosome Research 17: S61-S62, Suppl. 1, 2009.
17. Cetin GO, Erdoğan KM, Ozdemir O, Kalkan T, Kilic I, Duzcan F. Prenatally diagnosed de novo inverted duplication of 8p11.2-p23 region with deletion of 8pter in a dysmorphic case. Chromosome Research 17: S63-S64, Suppl. 1, 2009.
18. Sen Turk N, Ozsan N, Caner V, Karagenc N, Duzcan F, Duzcan E. Hekimgil M. Determination of apoptosis, proliferation status and O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase methylation profiles in different immunophenotypic profiles of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. 22th European Congress of Pathology, 4-9 Sep2009 Florence, Italy. Virchows Arch 2009, 455:S259.
19. Düzcan F, Çetin GO, Tepeli E, Ayaz A.Prenatally diagnosed two distinct cell lines of 18p terminal deletion/monosomy X possibly due to chimerism. Europen Human Genetics Conference 2010, June 12-15, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweeden, Eur J Hum Genet, P05.01, pp144.
20. Çetin GO, Okur V, Erdoğan KM, Kalkan T, Düzcan F. A case with Turner-like phenotype carrying iso(Y) monosomy X mosaicism. Europen Human Genetics Conference 2010, June 12-15, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweeden, Eur J Hum Genet, P03.067
21. Cetin GO, Okur V, Kalkan T, Olmez A, Tepeli E, Duzcan F. Developmental delay, mental retardation and facial dysmorphism due to subtelomeric deletıon of 7q. 8th European Cytogenetics Conference, 02-05 July 2011, Porto-Portekiz, Chromosomes Research 19:S95, Suppl.1, Temmuz 2011.
22. Duzcan F, Duzcan SE, Sen S, Yorukoglu K, Caner V, Sen Turk N, Cetin GO, Kelten C, Tuna B, Sarsik B, Tepeli E. Expression and amplification of Topoisomerase-2α in type 1 and type 2 papillary renal cell carcinomas and its correlation with HER2/neu amplification. 8th European Cytogenetics Conference 02-05 July 2011, Porto-Portekiz, Chromosomes Research 19:S173, Suppl.1, Temmuz 2011.
23. V Okur, O Cetin, A Ayaz, F Duzcan. “Phenotypic description of interstitital deletion of 6q in a 13-year old girl.” European Human Genetics Conference 2012, Nürnberg, Germany, 23-26 June 2012, Eur J Hum Gen (2012), 20 ( Supp1): 363
24. Shaaban S, Duzcan F, Yildirim C, Chan Wm, Andrews C, Akarsu N, Engle E. Mutations in ECEL1 cause distal arthrogryposis type 5 with ophthalmoplegia. Expanding phenotypic spectrum of ECEL1-related congenital contracture syndromes. European Human Genetics Conference 2013, Paris, France, 08-11
Ulusal yayınlar
Ulusal dergilerde basılan 25, ulusal kongrelerde sunulan 60 üzeri bildiri bulunmaktadır.
Kitap Bölümü Yazarlığı
SEMİZ S and DUZCAN F. Pseudohypoparathyroidism and growth. In: PREEDY VR, Ed. Handbook of growth and growth monitoring in health and disease. 1st ed. New York: Springer, 2012;2687-2698.
Klinik Bilimlere Giriş (Propedötik), Yayımcı; Dr.Atilla Oğuzhanoğlu, Bilal Ofset Matbaacılık, Denizli, 2003, Klinik Genetikte Hastaya Yaklaşım, Dr. Füsun Düzcan, 413-424.
DÜZCAN F., “Klinik Genetikte Dismorfik Hastaya Yaklaşım”, Klinik Bilimlere Giriş (Propedötik) (Editör Attila OĞUZHANOĞLU), Pamukkale Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 26, Sistem Ofset, ISBN:978-975-6992-38-8, sf.503-515, Ankara, Ağustos 2011.